Post-Surgery & Fracture Physiotherapy
Your body can’t differentiate between a traumatic fracture and a surgical procedure. Either way, it will initially react with bleeding, swelling, inflammation and pain.
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Home > Conditions We Treat > Fractures & Post-Surgical Intervention
The first aim of our physiotherapy intervention is to help manage these symptoms.
How can physiotherapy help after an operation or fracture?
The specialised intervention that we provide post-surgery (or post-fracture) will help to:
- Promote healing
- Maintain movement of the surrounding joints
- Maintain muscle strength
- Prevent compensatory movement and postures
When should I begin physiotherapy?
It’s important to start physiotherapy immediately after surgery, or once a fracture has been ‘reduced’ (i.e. when the bones are realigned and stabilised).
After surgery, or once your fracture has united, our physiotherapy team will devise a programme that’s designed to progress your rehabilitation appropriately. This programme will be specific to you – some individuals will progress quickly, while others may need to be encouraged not to overdo it!
Your post-surgery / fracture physiotherapy programme will:
Contact us now to book your appointment >
After surgery, or once your fracture has united, our physiotherapy team will devise a programme that’s designed to progress your rehabilitation appropriately. This programme will be specific to you – some individuals will progress quickly, while others may need to be encouraged not to overdo it!
Your post-surgery / fracture physiotherapy programme will:
- Address any ongoing pain or swelling
- Restore joint movement and flexibility
- Restore muscle strength
- Improve proprioception / coordination
- Address obstacles preventing you from returning to everyday activities
- Include sport-specific drills / exercises
Contact us now to book your appointment >
Clinic Opening Times
08:00AM - 07:30PM
08:00AM - 07:30PM
08:00AM - 07:30PM
08:00AM - 07:30PM
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Our Pricing / Rates
Initial Consultation
1/2 hour
Follow-Up Consultations
1/2 hour
Sports Massage
1 hour
Sports Massage
1/2 hour
Consultation for Cortisone (Steroid)
Injection Treatment
Injection Treatment
Injection Treatment
Follow-Up Treatment
(if required)
(if required)